This life is a mix of poison and honey
'This life is a mix of poison and honey' is a rhythmical alternation between themed photo sequences, illustrations and short proverbs from Albania. It draws the viewer into a visual meditation on the place of women in general while alluding to the fact that true equality between the sexes is still a distant reality. Though set in Albania, this book is thought as a mirror for our society.
'This life is a mix of poison and honey' is a rhythmical alternation between themed photo sequences, illustrations and short proverbs from Albania. It draws the viewer into a visual meditation on the place of women in general while alluding to the fact that true equality between the sexes is still a distant reality. Though set in Albania, this book is thought as a mirror for our society.
'This life is a mix of poison and honey' is a rhythmical alternation between themed photo sequences, illustrations and short proverbs from Albania. It draws the viewer into a visual meditation on the place of women in general while alluding to the fact that true equality between the sexes is still a distant reality. Though set in Albania, this book is thought as a mirror for our society.
Photography - Anne Ackermann
Publisher - KEHRER, Heidelberg, Germany
Book Editor - Marc Prüst
Editor - Alexa Becker
Design - Björn Schmidt
Authors - Ermira Danaj, Anne Ackermann
Softcover with detached spine (300 g/qm Gmund Heather)
11,4 x 17,10 cm
156 pages
54 color ills. and 11 drawings
115 g/qm Lessebo Design smooth white