Anne Ackermann (*1980) is a photographer & visual storyteller based near Mannheim, Germany, working worldwide. She enjoys exploring narratives in visuals, often employing text and archive material.

She is a multiple grantee of VG Bild-Kunst and recipient of artists’ grants of Photoreporter Festival St. Brieuc, France, and the Ministry of Culture of Rhineland Palatinate, a finalist at the International Women Photographers Award (IWPA), the Bar Tur Awards, The Global Peace Photo Award, The Jacob Riis Award and the Hansel Mieth Preis (2x).In 2021 she won the Martin Lagois Photo Prize, in 2024 the Medienpreis of DSW.

In June 2022 her first photo book 'This life is a mix of poison and honey' was published with KEHRER Verlag. 

She graduated from the College of Fine Arts Hamburg with a master in Visual Communication/Media and studied photography & photojournalism in Buenos Aires, Argentina and at Danish School of Journalism, Århus, Denmark. 

Anne was selected for the Nikon NOOR Masterclass in Switzerland and Noorderlicht Masterclass in Groningen. Other nominations include JOOP SWART Masterclass and 6x6 World Press Global Talent Program. In 2022 she was chosen to participate in the New York Times Portofolio Review.

represented by laif photo agency

Anne also enjoys working as an occasional curator (The Journal Collective, f2 Fotofestival Dortmund) and workshop facilitator (Goethe Institute, giz, Canon, Nikon).

Since 2024 she serves as a photography lecturer at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Mannheim, Germany.

Exhibitions (excerpt) 

Angkor Photo Festival, 'The most beautiful memory', Open Programme Projections, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Solo Exhibition 'The most beautiful memory', LANGER.Space for Photography, Mannheim, Germany
Seen@ClairbyKahn, photobasel, Basel, Switzerland
PH Museum Days, Bologna, Italy
Festival de Fotografia de Paranapiacaba, São Paulo, Brazil
‘LOUD & PROUD’, Galleri H, Copenhagen, Denmark  
Travelling exhibition ‘Blueborder Café Babel’ (Marseille, Brussels, Chemnitz, Palermo)
‘Weltbilder’, Terra Mater Magazine, Bank Austria Artforum, Vienna, Austria  
Travelling exhibition finalists IWPA
(Dubai, Paris, New Delhi, Port Said, Alexandria, Cairo,Toulouse, Marseille, Riyadh, Lahore, Islamabad)  
‘Ausgezeichnet’, Triennial of Photography, Hamburg, Germany  
Angkor Photo Festival  
Jacobs Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland  
Solo exhibition 'The Gulu Projetc', Makerere Art Gallery, Kampala, Uganda  
Nuits Blanches‘, F Stop photo festival Leipzig, Germany  
Belfast Photo Factory , Belfast, Northern Ireland  
,Open Photo‘, Cape Town, South Africa  
‘LLL, Frauenbilder junger Künstlerinnen’, Kunstverein Celle, Germany  
‚Humankind‘, New York Photo Festival, NY, USA  
‚Unpublished-Unknown‘, FotoGrafia Festival, Rome, Italy  
‘filadelfia’, final exhibition, HfbK Hamburg, Germany  
‘filadelfia’, Goethe Institute Ecuador, supported by ifa Berlin, Germany  

Editorial clients

FR7-Wochenendmagazin, GEO, Financial Times Magazine, Spiegel, Greenpeace Magazin, mare, SZ Magazin, Terra Mater, The New York Times, Stern, National Geographic, NEON, NIDO, Focus, Brand Eins, Die Zeit, Amnesty Journal, Business Punk, Datum, Chrismon, NZZ, The New Yorker, Guardian Weekend Magazine, Brigitte, Zeit Campus, Zeit LEO, Geolino, Dein Spiegel, Missy Magazine, FAZ, Vice, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, She’s/Mercedes Benz Magazine, annabelle, WOZ, fluter, LEICA M Magazine, etc.

Corporate clients + NGO 

Studio ZX, Gates Foundation, B BRAUN, Nansen & Piccard, Corticeira Amorim, Ellermann Spiegel Weine, Brot für die Welt, Die Brotpuristen, BürgerStiftung Hamburg, Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival, Bon Voyage Films, YARA, DAAD, USAID, CBM, Engender Health, Open Society Foundations, Plan International, European Commission, CNN Courageous, Barcroft Media, UNICEF, UNHCR, CARE Affair, Caritas, NRC, giz, Jacobs Foundation, Heifer International, Grameen Foundation, CAPA Pictures, Luxembourg Airlines, International Justice Mission, etc.